Saturday 15 October 2011

Burnley Panopticon 'Singing-Ringing Tree' by Tonkin-Liu

Singing Ringing Tree
Mike Tonkin and Anna Liu of Tonkin Liu Architects.

The Singing Ringing Tree is a wind powered sound sculpture resembling a tree set in the landscape of the Pennine mountain range overlooking Burnley, in Lancashire, England.
Completed in 2006, it is part of the series of four sculptures within the Panopticons arts and regeneration project created by the East Lancashire Environmental Arts Network (ELEAN). The project was set up to erect a series of 21st-century landmarks, or Panopticons (structures providing a comprehensive view), across East Lancashire as symbols of the renaissance of the area.

The Singing Ringing Tree is a sound powered sculpture resembling a tree set in the landscape of the Pennine mountain range overlooking Burnley, Lancashire. Designed by architects Mike Tonkin and Anna Liu of Tonkin Liu, the tree is a 3 metre tall construction with comprising pipes of galvanised steel which harness the energy of the wind to produce a slightly discordant and penetrating choral sound covering a range of several octaves.

Monday 3 October 2011

Visuals For Small Housing Development

Proposed "Cross-Subsidy" Affordable Housing

I was asked to put together visuals for a small housing development based in Shropshire. The visuals were presented to the local council and planning is underway. The images show three terrace houses with gardens and parking spaces to the front and three more private detached  houses towards the back of the site. 

Private Parking
Front Terraces From Main Road

Three Further Detached Houses With Front And Back Gardens And Garage
Private Stone Paths Leading To Driveways

Sunday 2 October 2011

Police Memorial - London 2011

Interesting glass sculpture and hut designed for the family members of police killed whilst on duty. The book displayed inside, records the names of the brave police officers that have passed, with a large number  of them killed by terrorists.

 Thin layers of glass with water running down the whole sculpture into pool below

 Located just off Buckingham Palace mall